More motorcyclists will be kept safe on Victorian roads with car-to-motorcycle detection and avoidance technology testing and assessments currently underway by ANCAP Safety, thanks to the Allan Labor Government.

From 1 January 2023, vehicles have been tested by ANCAP to assess their ability to detect and autonomously brake for a motorcycle in specific scenarios using motorcycle-detecting Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB), Blind Spot Monitoring (BSM) and Lane Keep Assist (LKA) systems.

In testing, the motorcycle test dummy is affixed to a simulated motorcycle and propelled via a GPS-controlled robotic platform, mirroring a situation comparable to real life. Since 1993, ANCAP has published safety ratings for thousands of vehicle makes, models and variants using a star rating system of 0 to 5 stars.

Motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable road users, making up only 4 per cent of registered vehicles but 17 per cent of road trauma incidents in Victoria.

Over half of the 37 motorcyclist fatalities on Victorian roads this year have occurred in collisions with other vehicles.

The Labor Government continues to invest in targeted safety initiatives across motorcycle policy and law, education and research and road safety infrastructure improvements for motorcyclists.

Quote attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne

“Motorcycle riders are particularly vulnerable on our roads and that is why we need to invest in new technology to help keep them safe.”

Quote attributable to Member for North-Eastern Metro Sonja Terpstra

“Having more vehicles on the road fitted with car-to-motorcycle detection and avoidance technology will help to reduce road deaths and serious injuries on roads in Victoria.”

Quotes attributable to Head of Road Safety Victoria Marcelo Vidales

“Tragically, 37 motorcyclists have died on Victorian roads this year – and that is 37 too many.”

“Accelerating the adoption of new vehicle technologies is one of the many ways we are protecting vulnerable road users – so a small mistake on the road doesn’t mean another life senselessly lost.”

Quotes attributable to ANCAP SAFETY Chief Executive Officer Carla Hoorweg

“Our new test scenarios have been designed to encourage vehicle manufacturers to prioritise the safety not only of vehicle occupants, but other vulnerable road users outside the vehicle.”

“Motorcycle fatalities are on the rise in many jurisdictions across Australia and we expect this new focus will assist in reversing that upward trend.”

Quote attributable to Transport Accident Commission CEO Tracey Slatter:

“Our state has a rich history in leading the charge on road safety innovation, and so we are proud to continue our support for important vehicle and gear testing capabilities in Victoria.”

Technology improving motorcycle safety